Smart Scanning
(Coming Soon) Expedite the process of submitting bills, receipts, invoices by just scanning them and adding it to ‘Notes/Pics’. Submitting expense reports has now become steady, increasing the efficiency to optimal levels.
Expense Reports Approvals
Why waste time stacking up receipts, making reports and finally wait for their approval? All this can be done in few minutes by just generating and submitting your day to day report. The manager could view all the expenses, making it easy for him/her to approve or reject with just a click.
Real Time Location
With increasing and all the more time demanding distances, you don’t need to call every hour to know the location of your sales team. You could effortlessly get the Real time location of your employees through our web interface.
Swift and Smooth Reimbursements
The easy and timely reports submitted by the employees help the accounts team in quicker reimbursements. They could easily see the approved expense reports and settle the same, restricting overwhelming expenditures and inaccurate data.
Easy MIS Analysis
The easy MIS Analysis would help the manager to evaluate and manage the employee’s performance. It would also help one to analyze the expenses on a particular business partner in terms of time and cost effectiveness.
Chat Messenger
(Coming Soon) It is a one on one communication tool for the employees and the manager to exchange relevant texts/ images.